Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson answered micheal badtke's question
There is more involved in helping have a girl than just an acidic environment. You need to know when you ovulate and have sex 2 1/2 - 3 days BEFORE that. The males are faster swimmers but die of quicker. You are also naturally more acidic before ovulation than you are during. Also if you … Read more
Mellisa Turner
Mellisa Turner answered
Generally tulip means perfect love . Like many other flowers, different colors have their own significance same is their in case of tulip. Red tulips are associated with true love whereas purple color of tulip is associated with royalty.
Haley Osborne
Haley Osborne answered Anonymous' question
I have hazel eyes. Though mine I'm sure are different from anyone else's.  Around the pupil I have a yellow/very light brown ring. In the middle I have a very light green thick ring with few white specks in both eyes. And the outer thin ring is a dark blue. I love my hazel eyes. … Read more
Canice Uche
Canice Uche answered S A's question
I'll like to cheap in another role,importance or usage of the atp to the human body. As already been said,atp is the energy currency of cell,its roles can't be totally exhausted,as discovery in science is heading to the scrapers. ATP,also helps in the transportation of materials,within and between the cell amphilipid walls.
semble o higgins
semble o higgins answered
Why is it that people always talk about genetic engineering being only on people. The fact is that any living organism can be genetically modified.(for better or worst) The main base that genetic engineering stands on is for improving an organism to carry out a fuction that would help any given cause. If what you … Read more
semble o higgins
semble o higgins answered
Why is it that people always talk about genetic engineering as if it were carried out only on people? The fact is that any living organism can be genetically-modified, for better or for worse. The main basis for genetic engineering is to attempt to improve an organism, or modify it to carry out a function … Read more
John McCann
John McCann answered Malinda Dennison's question
None. (where are you students getting these ill posed questions? ) How could you " offset biological factors? " What you mean is how can you oppose ultimate evolutionary processes. Do not have children. The reproductive process is, naturally, very strong in all organisms. To " promote " genes into the next generation is almost … Read more