Yo Kass
Yo Kass answered Trish Salecki's question

Finding yourself in a situation where you feel you have no choice but to legally evict your adult children from your home is usually reached through a prolonged and often emotionally difficult path. However, once you have reached this decision, the best approach is to try and detach all emotion from the situation, as the … Read more

Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson answered Leyla Besa's question
If there is shared custody of the child, then yes you will need written permission from to take the child from the country (I think). I was granted full custody of my little brother and when he left the country on his own he only needed a letter from me with my permission to travel, … Read more
Ellie Brister
Ellie Brister answered
I'm six-teen, and teenagers commit crimes because most likely they will get away with it, and with a minor punishment. I think our goverment needs to buckle down and treat teenagers as adults in court. Teenagers know what's right from wrong.
Arthur Wright
Arthur Wright answered Pat Greene's question
Realistically you have 2 kinds nowadays; 1.  The career criminal who leads a life of crime everyday and night, which make up majority of prison populations and then you have 2.  The people who commit crimes for survival, like Fathers nowadays who rob banks, stores, or whtever they have to do to feed their families … Read more
John answered Gerard Jones' question
I would say at the license/permit agency downtown /city hall. Make a call and ask the general information desk they can point you to the right office for street perfomers licenses/permits. This is the fastest way I know to get the information you need. They will also probaly tell you about their government site. Where … Read more
Arthur Wright
Arthur Wright answered Renee Gonzalez's question
Nowadays much depends on the crime as many states are broke right now and will only extradite the worst of the felonies but to gamble on what states will and won't is pretty stupid as there is no known list of who will and won't in existence, and I wouldn't bet on which ones won't.