Lori Schwartz
Lori Schwartz answered
It could be it's not feeling well or possibly in pain, I recommend a vet visit. Also, I had a person coming over to my house and my cat acted differently and I found out he was abusing it when I was not around, he got kicked out of our lives and now she is … Read more
Lori Schwartz
Lori Schwartz answered
Female dogs are not receptive for, if I remember correctly, 10 days or so. Also her privates will swell around the time she is ready to let herself be bred. They are not fertile till the end of their cycle. You might call a local breeder to find out how it goes with a small … Read more
Lori Schwartz
Lori Schwartz answered
Take him outside often and when he does his thing outside reward him with lots of petting and praise, even a treat, he will get the idea pretty fast unless he's really stubborn. :) When he goes inside the house, tell him he is a bad bad dog and ignore him awhile, they hate being … Read more