Anthony answered
In biblical terms it means contract as in a contract with G-d.  It also means an agreement between two people to do or not to do something (

Anthony answered question
I think we all go in stages but if he's had an affiar then that's a betrayal.  To me that would be disrespecting you.  My wife and I discuss everything and we are in one of our stages we discuss that.  We would never have an affair. I think you should ask your hubby about his love for … Read more
Anthony answered
Two major goals of business finance is to: 1)Accurately collect and Report the activity of a company - it's important for Company executives to know how their business is operating and where their weaknesses and strengths are. 2)Help the business plan for the future - Utilizing the information provided by collecting activity and accurately reporting … Read more
Anthony answered question
A Cash Flow forecast is a short-term plan on how your business uses cash in the following areas:

It will help you plan your business, since you will plan on how cash is to be used and you will see any diffencies that may arise.

You should have a regular … Read more