To solve this problem, divide by the number of millimeters in an inch to get the fraction of an inch expressed as a decimal.

One inch is 2.54 centimeters, or 25.4 millimeters.

If you divide 1.5 by 25.4, the result is 0.059, or 59 thousandths of an inch.
answered question
Percentages are fractions of 100, so 78% is the same 0.78 which as a fraction is 78/100.

You can reduce just like any other fraction, so 78/100 is the same as 39/50 (reduce using 2)
Exponent notation is a short-hand for multiplying a number by itself some number of times. For example, 102 is the same as 10 x 10. Here are a few more examples...

   53 = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125

   28 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 … Read more
answered question
Charged particles can be deflected by a magnetic field. Along with light, the sun generates are large volumes of charged particles, all of which are cast off in all directions in the form of solar radiation. When these charged particles head in the direction of the Earth, our planet's magnetic field deflects them so that … Read more
A median is one value out of a range of numbers, so the idea of the median of a single number is something of a degenerate case. The median is a statistical value meaning the "number in the middle," so if you have a set of numbers it is the value numerically in the middle … Read more