lana wilcox
lana wilcox answered
Our puppy had parvo and survived it (fortunately)  Get them to a vet immediately it is deadly, attacks everything in their immune system and just drains the life out  of them.  Our pup vomited, quit wanting to eat or drink, they dehydrate quickly, loose weight and have horrible diarrhea, fever and it can hinder their brain normality.  They'll need … Read more
lana wilcox
lana wilcox answered
Adam ...hands down, you can tell he's found his destiny thru American Idal. Beautiful voice woweeee wow wow the range, smile,teeth and a charisma about him thats off the charts (wow) oh so confident and relaxed, totally in his element, versatile like sweet, innocent, pleasent, yet chisled facial features, sexy, dark, and a little bit … Read more