Yes...Baptist is something you do as an acknowledgement that you have  a changed spirit and want to follow God.  The thief who hung on the cross beside Jesus was never baptized, but Jesus told him that he would be with him in Paradise.  Baptism is something most people do as a ceremony after becoming born … Read more
Streamlining means to cut down on unnecessary things. To streamline a grocery list means to take off all unnecessary things and stick with the basics. Some people use it when referring to weight loss. "She is getting streamlined."
It means to have a sudden, brilliant thought. Sudden stumble upon the answer you have been searching for. A sister word to epiphany is eureka.
Thick,cluttered. 'The forest was dense with pine trees.' People are sometimes called dense meaning -not smart.
Cantankerous means quarrelsome, unwilling to hear another person's point of view. People can become cantankerous when living or working in an anger-filled environment.