Graham Naked
Graham Naked answered question
Sex only hurts girls if they are not prepared properly, before penetration they should be very sexually excited and very wet with lubrication. The first time a guy should also take his time until she gets used to it!
Graham Naked
Graham Naked answered question
Certainly not, whatever religious nuts say against bisexual or gay people is 100% wrong. We are all gods children, whoever your god may be, and everyone is born with the genetic make up that determines their sexual orientation!
Graham Naked
Graham Naked answered
Incest is sexual relations between closely related persons, usually brothers/sisters/parents/uncles/aunts/grandparents in most countries cousins are ok. The primary reason for laws against incest are to avoid multiplication of genetic defects in the population, nothing to do with morals. Incest is far more common than people generally will admit.
Graham Naked
Graham Naked answered
NO it certainly is not, everybody is born bisexual to some degree including you! Most people choose their most dominant desire side, some deny their most dominant side, even to themselves! Some, for social and/or family reasons, try to go with the least dominant side but end up having to admit reality! Everybody is, and … Read more
Graham Naked
Graham Naked answered question
Sexual orientation is genetic, not a choice - everybody is born bisexual to some degree including you! Most people choose their most dominant desire side, though some deny their most dominant side, even to themselves. Some, for social and/or family reasons, try to go with the least dominant side but end up having to admit … Read more
Graham Naked
Graham Naked answered question
To be realistic, talking online is not a problem as long as you don't use your real name or location, or any personal activity location information, and under no circumstances should you arrange to meet anyone. Except maybe guys near your age in a public location near home, but remember without proof, a contact on … Read more