She how he feels about you. If he still loves you then maybe you wernt really supposed to break up. But if hes moved on then you probably should, too.
My best friend is the girl who is always is thr for me
My friend has 2 red eared sliders and besides turtle food pellets everytime she sees a spider she catches it and feeds it to her turtles
September 11 but im not sure of the year but i know it was in 2000-2003. Somewhere between those years.
Well by human food I hope you mean fruits and vegetables. But they can have up to 3 peices a day.
Just enough to cover the bottom and with my guinea pig we put newspaper under the bedding because it is a lot easier when it comes to changing the bedding.
Long haired guinea pigs shed a lot and my short haired guinea pig only sheds a little
Hey just an fyi marijuana is illegal!
Your its bad 4 you
Well for some books Barnes and Noble's website has previews of a book, and it lets you read a little bit of every chapter...P.S. I really like Twilight.
You could try to find another team just like it closer to where you live or you could fly to wherever they are having there games and only have games with that soccer academy. Or when I go to play soccer in england since in live in the united states I play soccer with that … Read more
You should try going to a different doctor because your doctor might not want to find anything wrong with his surgery that he did. Other doctors would be honest and would really try to find the problem.....good luck.
P.S. I might have knee surgery too
Your dog might be sick or she might just be cold like when humans chatter their teeth.
I'm not quite sure but I do know that Manchester City sucks and Manchester United is the best!