answered question
Wow, since there are so many ignorant answers to this question, let me give you an unbiased opinion. However, I must clear this one thing up before I go any further: Wicca is NOT witchcraft. The two are NOT synonymous. Wicca is a religion, and if a follower of said religion decides to practice witchcraft … Read more
answered question
I think that by watching someone else yawn, which means that the person needs higher levels of oxygen in his/her system, your brain automatically picks up on this signal and thinks that it must make your body yawn, too, because there must be low levels of oxygen in the room if the other person is … Read more
answered question
As an aside, and as extra information, Kabbalah also focuses deeply on the written and spoken word, and numbers and their meanings. I've heard from one of my professors that some Kabbalists believe that certain combinations of words and numbers can destroy a universe or, better yet, create one.