You can subtract 56 years 8 months and 15 days to convert Hindu/Nepali calender in to English calender. For details, visit this link.
You can subtract 56 years 8 months and 15 days to covert Indian Calender in to English calender. Here is a link which can help you a lot.
If you are asking about Vikram Samwat which is calender used in India, Bangladesh and Nepal then for conversion, visit this link.
Big advantage is that there will be no problems in making decisions and if the decisions are positive then country will develop. Disadvantage is that such single dominant party can make decisions which can not be good for the nation provided no one opposes positively.
It is from German "Statistik" which was from New Latin "statisticum". For details, visit this link.
It is from old English word "Hus" which means shelter. For detailed information, please visit this link.
Peng is Chinese word. It is common surname. In England, people use this word for good looking man or woman.
Word computer comes from Latin words "computus and Computare". Both these words mean compute. For details, visit this link.
If you are asking about great depression In America then economic pressure was major among many others. For details, visit this link.
He was unable to score against Newcastle during 2010-2011 and 2009-2010. For details, visit this link.
There are 2 major adaptations of Tasmanian Devils. Firstly they have developed a powerful sense of smell not only during day but also at night. These animals can locate dead animals from a distance.
Tasmanian Devils can emit pungent odor in order to defend themselves from their enemies. This is second major adaptation.
Tasmanian devils protect themselves from predators or other animals which approach to their food by making screeching noises to scare predators.
Tasmanian devils also get red face when someone approaches to them.
These devils also frightened their predators by starting harsh cough which then starts to snarl. This will make a high pitch sound.
Previously, there were many enemies of Tasmanian Devils like humans, Tasmanian Tigers, Dingo etc. Now their only enemy can be other Tasmanian devils because even mother Devil can kill her baby up to 3 months of age.
Spider monkeys like to make their shelter at places which are thickly populated with dense and large trees because they can climb trees quickly in order to survive in case of danger.
Spider monkeys are primary consumer because they eat fruits an nuts of plants which are producer. Spider monkeys are eaten by secondary consumers.
It is difficult to know how much money she is having because she do many things like she is singer, actress, fashion designer, TV producer, dancer etc. According to one report, she has $110 million dollars.
I am sorry to say that Blurtit does not provide personal information about any celebrity. You can visit her official website or follow her on twitter, facebook and myspace.

Spider monkeys live in tropical forests of Central and South America. For details, visit this link.