farah naz
farah naz answered
Rental agreements can be quite cumbersome and tedious for both the landlord and the tenant. However it is this document that is the legal binding document that rules the renting of any property. It can be a non formal verbal agreement or it can be a properly documented agreement. Verbal agreements are only entered into … Read more
farah naz
farah naz answered
If the roof of your place is leaking and the seepage is damaging the walls the best thing to do is for you to get a plumber to come over and check out the cause of the leakage and to give you an estimate of the cost of repairs. Secondly you should immediately inform the … Read more
farah naz
farah naz answered question
Orientalism refers to mannerism, quality, or customs specific to or characteristic of the Orient. Given definition of the Orientalism doesn't suffice for a complete reflection of the Orientalism, as Edward Sayid contends that Orientalism means more than sheer understanding of the Orient, rather it refers to a biased understanding of the Orient on the part … Read more
farah naz
farah naz answered question
Take 1 kg chicken wings and wash them properly. Let them sock in a basket. Meanwhile take 3 tablespoon oil in a pan and add some salt with small chopped onion. Fry onion till golden brown. Then add red chilli 1tbalespoon , small tomatoes(cut in pieces)garlic, ginger paste 2 tablespoon, 1cup of yogurt, 6 green … Read more