dean answered
All cars do this when it hasnt been driven that day,  mainly colder temperatures in the early mornings. Due to condensation in the pipes, but it is normal, if the exhaust is given out the white smoke and water through out the day then you have serious issues and best to get that checked by mechanic.
dean answered
A parasite called plerocercoid of Spirometra erinaceieuropaei found in dogs and cats infect humans with the larval stage (plerocercoid). Touching dogs, cats, and other animals may lead to one's picking up parasites eggs or sometimes parasites themselves. This parasite can burrow in subcutaneous tissue of human breast and mimic symptoms of breast cancer.
dean answered
Circulation is a major key to our health Blood sustains life. It delivers oxygen, nutrients and other essential substances, including vitamins and medicines to the different cells and tissues of the body. A deficiency in the supply or quality of blood will impair the quality of life and even compromise life itself. For example, if … Read more
dean answered
It's a fact that eating less meat and proteins like dairy, and more carbohydrates, vegetables and fresh fruits may improve the taste and smell. In general, dairy products create the foulest tasting fluids, alkaline based foods like meat and fish produce a bitter taste. Fruits, especially pineapple, are good for a pleasant, sugary flavor. Chemically … Read more
dean answered
The lungs of most frogs and other amphibians are simple balloon-like structures, with gas exchange limited to the outer surface area of the lung. This is not a very efficient arrangement, but amphibians have low metabolic demands and also frequently supplement their oxygen supply by diffusion across the moist outer skin of their bodies. Unlike … Read more
dean answered
It's basically a slang term for an extremely nasty or severe vaginal infection/STD on the vagina. The infection could cause lesions on the outside of the vagina, as well as bruising, which causes it to look blue in color. So basically make sure your partner is not sleeping around!!!