Frankly, I wouldn't buy as much so you wouldn't have to worry about it. I put my cheese into a freezer-type ziplock bag and force out as much air as possible. One way you could be getting your cheese a shorter life-span is cross contamination. Make sure nothing touches the cheese when using it. Clean, … Read more
answered question
Lard, butter, shortening, deep-fried ice-cream, fatty meats, high-fat dairy, (whipping cream, half and half. They don't actually have lipids themselves, but these saturated fatty foods can turn into excess fat in your blood that contributes to heart disease, several cancers, type 2 diabetes, and strokes.
answered question
Get your team together, make good use of your managerial skills to help determine people's individual strengths. Delegate each team player what you (as General Mgr?) see as their best fit. Listen to their feed back. Do not micro-manage them. (Everyone hates that!)  After opening the door with your managers and clearing the air, you … Read more
answered question
How do you check on your Medicaid renewal? Don't worry! Unless you've moved recently and haven't given them your new address, they do things their way. You could say in a nutshell, "Don't call us, we'll call you". Or, if you are really in a medical bind, call up your Medicare social worker. They may … Read more
I'm 53 and am disabled. My minor child and I live on my Disability payments through the government. I am on medicare and medicaid. I live in Oregon. My disability payments are 1150/mo. My only asset is my house, which has 50,000 owed. It is in poor condition. Does the Government take my assets if … Read more