Megan D
Megan D answered
Yes. I have a book about dragons with riddles and spells you can tell to dragons that make them do stuff. I put an amethyst outside and then I used one that summons dragons and went inside. While inside I heard many screaming birds. I believe that a dragon killed and ate them. I went … Read more
Megan D
Megan D answered
I had one mean dwarf hamster named snowball. She would bite for no reason so her nickname was Jaws. I was so afraid of her that to put her in her hamster ball I had to scoop he into a cup to put her in. I had another dwarf hamster named Buttons though and he … Read more
Megan D
Megan D answered question
Rats are really good pets. They are clean overall (Ours throw poo and bedding outside the cage and stink but do not spread disease. I think our rats just have a bad habit.) they are friendly, and cute! You may be thinking of wild rats. There are special fancy rats bred for being pets.
Megan D
Megan D answered
Yes I think they are real. I have a book about dragons with riddles and spells you can tell to dragons that make them do stuff. I put an amethyst outside and then I used one that summons dragons and went inside. While inside I heard many screaming birds. I believe that a dragon killed … Read more