Darik Majoren

Flying out to California tonight. I will try to jump on in the evenings. What are some things you make sure to pack when going on a long trip?


3 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

Phone charger is a big one for me. Also, if I'm taking a laptop, I make sure I bring the cord. Depending on what you're going to be doing, such as going to the beach, making sure you're bringing what you need for that activity. I hope you have a wonderful time, DM!

4 People thanked the writer.
Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
Nice, I'm taking the iPad this time. My laptop is all apart on my dining room table LOL.
Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch commented
Were you "fixing" it, DM?
Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
LOL . . . No . . I was "Procrastinating" from fixing it . . . Stupid fan died, and I had to remove EVERYTHING to get to it.
PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I went on  trip out of the country and forgot to pack my hairbrush. I didn't realize it until after I washed my hair. My husband had to go out looking for a store and buy one, without speaking the language. And he was/is bald. I wish I could have seen him trying to explain what he needed. Lol The sad part is several women in our tour group said their husbands never would have done what he did. I find that sad for them.

Also if you take medication not only take enough for the trip but a few days extra just in case something happens and you are stuck for a day or two. Also if you are checking a bag, pack a change of clothes in your carry on, in case your checked bag gets lost. 

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

A camera! Make sure you have extra batteries and a spare memory card cuz you probably won't have time to make a CD! ☺

Have a little container which holds a couple tums, Tylenol, Sudafed or allergy pill, and benadryl just in case of an allergic reaction. (Car ride... I don't know the rules for a plane)

High protein snacks like protein bars, string cheese, cut up veggies and fruit (apple slices, grapes and whole bananas are the easiest) peanut butter and crackers, a couple "comfort" food snacks such as fishy crackers (keeps the hands busy) or chips, and if your traveling with the wife..... Better have a hidden supply of chocolate (I recommend kisses... They are short and sweet and easy to hide! Lol) Make sure you have plenty of bottled waters and drinks to enjoy.

I always pack an old Carnation coffee creamer container with its lid. It is a great emergency bucket for throw up or trash. It also serves as a container for refrigerated medicine because it is liquid proof and fits in a cooler rather nicely. It also serves as an ice container if they don't have one at your motel.

Don't forget to pack your smile, kind words and hugs. Travel is fun but stressful as well. Your family is not the enemy. Lol! And remember all family trips are memorable.... How do you want your family to remember you on this trip? 😊

Have fun!!

(I am a mom of a 20 year old, 13 year old, 10 year old and 3 year old.... Can you tell!?!??! 😅)

Oh yah! And when you are passing through southern California give Yin a shout out! If we are near by we can catch a Starbucks! ☺

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