How does Blurtit notify me of an answer?


3 Answers

Izzy SouthernGirl Profile

If you signed up with your e-mail you will get e-mails from the website of any sort of activiy , message or answer.

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Every time someone answers your question on Blurtit, two things happen:

1) You receive an email to the address that you provided on signing up (that's why it's important to use a real one)

2) You get a notification on Blurtit, which you can access by clicking on the profile icon in the top right corner and then selecting "notifications" from the drop menu that appears.

Hope that helps!

jhon michle Profile
jhon michle answered

Blurtit notify any user by sending an email on that email through which you have signed up your account on Blurtit.

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