How did Blurtit get its name?


1 Answers

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DDX Project answered

Susie wasn't a very sociable lady. In fact, many mistook her for a mute. When anyone asks her for directions, she'd rather point. When one ask her how many, she puts up two fingers. In a relationship, this was rather difficult as one can imagine. Getting precise answer from Susie sometimes required a lot of effort, even to the most patient of human beings, Tim, who happens to be her husband.

One evening, the couple was in the midst of an argument. Tim, who has until now remained calm, was starting to get flustered. Clearly they were both upset. Susie could only murmur a few words before getting upset. And at a moments notice, Tim couldn't take it anymore and yelled "BLURT IT OUT ALREADY!" As frantic as can be, Susie ran to the computer and wrote out her thoughts. The end.

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