This might be rude and offensive to say but, who is this Tyson everyone is talking about and what happened to him?


3 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

It's not rude young man. He is a teen member of this site who is in the hospital and we all wish him well !

Dakota  Mackenzie Profile

Yeah, as everyone else said, Tyson is a member on here. He's really sweet and kind to everyone.. Ty is a friend of mine and he's in the hospital and isn't doing so well... :/ Also, that's not rude at all ^^

Tyson Evans Profile
Tyson Evans answered

Hai RIK RZ... :)

I am Tyson.. Your question wasn't rude or offensive :)

What happened is, I'm in the hospital because I wasn't thinking straight. I'll be honest with you, things aren't looking too good for me..

I brought it on myself.

Not that I won't keep hanging on 😊

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