Em ma

Can we stop large number of drug-involved criminal offenders from using illegal drugs??


4 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

No, drugs are a lucrative, high dollar, billion dollars business, too many politicians, police, policymakers, involved in keeping drugs coming into America.

SuperFly Original Profile

"Using"? Use in the drug trade for profit or use the substances themself? if you want a broad answer study "the war on drugs" it should give you a pretty satisfying: No. Depending on what change you expect to see from it.

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

You can't stop the drug dependent criminals until you stop the supply of drugs coming into the country. I don't see that ever happening.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Em ma,

Even though I am not ready to give you an all-out YES, for reasons mentioned by your other answerers, here is one hopeful note:

In the Iowa State women's prison (and other states too), around the year 2000 they brought in a stringent program for drug offenders called THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY. I have personally known women who succeeded because of this program, and a statistical followup study demonstrated its efficacy.

* * *

Unfortunately, the program has now been dropped for lack of funding.

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