Nedas Pocys

can someone please help calculate this? (6+√2)(6-√2)?


4 Answers

Gokula krishnan Profile
Gokula krishnan answered


= (7.414)(4.586)

Ans= 34

or we can use the formula (a+b)(a-b)=a^2-b^2



hope this helped

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

The long way without the shortcut given above, but it always works.(6+√2)(6-√2) = {6(6) + 6(-√2)} + [√2(6) + √2(-√2)}

Regrouping: {6(6)]  + [√2(-√2)] + [6(-√2)] + [√2(6)]

Simplified:  36 -2+ 0 = 34 

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