Is their a way to ask a question only using emojis??


7 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Beats me as I don't ever use them but you have to ask yourself, what would be the point? I can't ever see half the emojis as they are.

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

I hope not, I hate those things and never understand what they mean.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

I don't even try to decipher emojis. My eyesight isn't good enough. And so, when I want to use one, I think of other people who have difficulty and use BIG emojis.

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Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Dozy maybe it is my Apple laptop, but your emojis are almost the only ones that actually come out with something, rather than just little rectangles!
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
That's because I have compiled a folder full of emojis, collected from all over the web, and standardized their size to about 100 pixels.
Sheldon  Cooper Profile
Sheldon Cooper answered

Not with an iPhone- I've tried

The emoji selection doesn't come up

Happy Halloween buddy 

8 People thanked the writer.
View all 4 Comments
Sheldon  Cooper
Sheldon Cooper commented
Hi buddy -
Been laying low...
Fighting with myself
Over a junki for an uncle
He stole a shotgun that was mine that I put in moms room for her for self defense-
( cause I'm downstairs)
Single shot hammer action 20 gauge - didn't want to
But had no choice to report it stolen - b*tch investigator
Made it seem like I sold it then reported it stolen -
Made my mother feel like crap
Cause she couldn't remember what color shells I gave her .
I hate cops , always will.
He put me in a spot I had no choice -
It's been two weeks
He has my dvr security cam videos - guess it's not enough
Still no Warrents for him .
otis campbell
otis campbell commented
They will pick him up and question him. Sounds like someone needs to move out your uncles day will come kharma is hell
Sheldon  Cooper
Sheldon Cooper commented
It is indeed buddy
He leaves me his kid to care for
I will ... what choice do I have
Water Nebula Profile
Water Nebula answered 

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