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Is the etiquette of sending a written thank you card for showers gifts and wedding gift a thing of the past ? Been to 3 weddings and their corresponding showers and not one thank you card....


2 Answers

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

... Send them a note that you hope they enjoyed borrowing your item, but you need it back now.


Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

I agree with echooo I've never gotten a written thank note in years. This last generation forget how to write it seems.

6 People thanked the writer.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
It's the school system. Seriously. I watched it transfer over through out the years with the age gaps of my children. My oldest was taught print in kindergarten, cursive in 3rd grade and computers mostly in highschool. My second learned print in kindergarten but in her third grade computers were taught for testing and cursive writing was something a teacher could teach IF they wanted to. Her teacher got mad at the class and punished them by NOT teaching cursive writing. Computers were for testing and reading (tablets were introduced) her last year before homeschooling. She taught herself how to do cursive one summer. My third, in kindergarten computers were there for tests and reading. Printing was taught to. 3rd grade was more computer, typing course, no cursive anymore. My friends who have kindergarten (now 2nd grade) it's all computers. The homework is printing and it's parents teaching it.

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