Megan goodgirl

How does caffeine affect you?


8 Answers

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

Caffeine doesn't bother me, it doesn't wake me up in the morning and it doesn't keep me up at night when I drink it.

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

If it drink it after 9:00 pm, I'm climbing walls all night long.

Drats ! I need it first thing in the morning most days.

Sometimes , I do the " coffee nap "  in the afternoon. = A person has to be really sleepy and then they suck back a coffee and doze off as intented. 20- 30 minutes later...Boing ! Wide awake and recharged.

Flora Huang Profile
Flora Huang answered

It wakes me up

Taila Nevado Profile
Taila Nevado answered

Here are some positive and negative effects of caffeine on
the human body:

It can decrease drowsiness for some time.

A study proved that it reduces suicide risk.

It intensifies the ability to think, which can cause confusion.

If you consume a lot, it may cause a headache.

Caffeine can also lead to hypertension.

Jenna Linden Profile
Jenna Linden answered

I become hyperactive, talk much and fast. Although, it doesn't affect my sleep quality.

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