Anonymous asked 11/9/2015 I'm looking for a place to board my mini horse, and am also looking for it to be around 200 per month max. I know this is unlikely, but if you know a place, please speak up?
I fell in love with a horse asked 10/20/2015 So I love this horse at the place I ride I think you guys have seen him before in a question I wandered about what I love but he is getting sold. I am heartbroken I don't know what to do?
I fell in love with a horse asked 8/15/2015 I ride horses and the horse I ride at the local barn is getting sold. I love him to pieces and want to buy but my mom says no because I am the only one who rides in the family. What do I do?
Jessie Cliff asked 9/22/2014 I know how to ride horses. I can go all the way up to galloping but I can't jump. When should I start jumping?
Sarah Moores asked 6/11/2011 When i put my horse in her stable she will try barging out when i go out and close the door how can i stop her doing this?