Viorela Predesco
Viorela Predesco voted up
Only God knows when the world will come to an end. He created us and he knows everything. Nobody, and I repeat, absolutely nobody, knows when the world will come an end - not even the angels in the heavens, not even the son ...only God the father, who knows and is the only one. … Read more
Viorela Predesco
Viorela Predesco voted up Gil Zilbershtein's answer
You can find happiness when you have also time for yourself. Take 10 minutes for yourself, and go to a public garden, lay on the grass, look at the sky and think about good things that you've done (think only positive thoughts). Do it as often as you can. Another thing is to encourage yourself … Read more
Viorela Predesco
Viorela Predesco voted up Greg Allen's answer
The dictionary definitions of the two words sum up the major differences between observation and inference. Observation means to, "observe something or someone carefully in order to gain information", whilst inference means, "the act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true." So, put simply, inference is the summary … Read more
Viorela Predesco
Viorela Predesco answered Helen Lewington's question
My cat Sugar lost one pound. That was because he has Inflammatory Digestive Disease (was drinking water with chlorine form an artisanal fountain) and our vet said he is allergic to food so I have to buy and put my cat on Diet Food (Z/D food). So he will gain weight and will not be … Read more
Viorela Predesco
Viorela Predesco answered Anonymous' question
It is not a good idea. My cat was drinking water from an artisanal fountain in our yard (the water had chlorine) and later we realized that is not OK. My cat got an Inflammatory Digestive Disease (very sensitive stomach) and was vomiting. Our vet gave us Z/D diet food and we have to try … Read more