brianna lewis
brianna lewis voted up Michelle Barber's answer
This is a really great question, but I'm afraid it doesn't have a precise answer. There are a million-and-one diets out there, and there isn't a specific one that works for everyone. Finding the right diet for you is the key to getting in shape - so I'd recommend trying the ones that sound most … Read more
brianna lewis
brianna lewis voted up Maddie's answer
Good question. Normally if you're a girl hugging a guy, you'll wrap your arms around their neck.. But if you're a girl hugging a girl, you guys embrace each other the same way. Guys.. Haha not sure. They have all sorts of things these days.. And height has something to do with it too. If … Read more
brianna lewis
brianna lewis answered Abbey Lynn's question
I feel that if you are not planning on spending the rest of your life with person then that is too young. The lowest age you can get married is 18 where I live so if you're not about 18ish or not in a good financial situation then you shouldn't have sex in case a … Read more