Sophia Angel
Sophia Angel voted up
1.A balanced diet helps to stay healthy. 2.Makes our body function properly. 3.Keep us fit and healthy. 4.Prevents from certain diseases. 5.It helps us to live for a long time. 7.Makes us and athletes fit and smart.
Sophia Angel
Sophia Angel voted up Stephanie G's answer
A balacnced diet is extremely important for our bodies to function properly. If you do not eat a balanced diet then your bodies full capabilities are lessened. Eating an unhealthy diet can cause many harmful conditions such as heart disease. For hints and tips on how to eat a balanced diet: … Read more
Sophia Angel
Sophia Angel voted up Connor Sephton's answer
We need a balanced diet to ensure we are healthy and strong. If we did not have a diet where we didn't receive any of the necessary nutrients and supplements then we would not be healthy. The array of foods we need is wide as are the nutrients we require to maintain a healthy body. … Read more
Sophia Angel
Sophia Angel voted up Lovika Grover's answer
The saree is the national dress of India. A saree is a 6 yards of un-stitched cloth that is skillfully draped to impart elegance and grace. This is a traditional dress worn around the country in different styles in the different states of the country. There are other dresses also which fall under the category … Read more