rich harris
rich harris commented
I had to start a new channel so starting from scratch. The old channel was doing very well but looked a bit amateur. New channel if you want to see the changes? I'm also pushing them on Twitter, fb and G+. There's a large audience to reach online, it's definitely the best way for … Read more
rich harris
rich harris answered Yo Kass' question

I think that the Internet and technology has made a platform for anyone wishing to put something out there. Before you had to wait for someone to listen to you and take you seriously. These days we have an audience at our fingertips. I think it's a good thing. Look at MySpace. It launched a … Read more

rich harris
rich harris answered Maxine Chan's question

Well, it may be controversial but I really liked Jeffrey Dahmer's quote of "I'm a pervert. I'm an exhibitionist. I'm a masturbator. And a killer... Like you".

I don't condone what he did but he was a lonely, sad and messed up man. So if I was a quote, this would be it.