Courtney Lindt
Courtney Lindt voted up Anonymous' answer
Contrary to popular belief, rats are porbably one of the, if not, the cleanest rodent. They make excellent pets for children as they are easy to hold, very friendlly and rarely bite. I have never been bitten by any of my pet rats. Make sure that you handle the rat at the pet shop to … Read more
Courtney Lindt
Courtney Lindt voted up katrina mckinnon's answer
My pet Rat she is great she gives kisses. I thought the same thing when my son wanted one. But now I am really close to her as well as son. They are very smart she looks forward to seeing us and you can tell. I think Pet rats are wonderful animal to choose for … Read more
Courtney Lindt
Courtney Lindt voted up Mia Teeliumtrozzle's answer
Don't worry-Rats do NOT spread disease and they are not dirty. It is perfectly safe to keep them in the house. Rats have a reputation for being dirty and diseased because of the Bubonic Plague- but during the bubonic Plaugue, disease was actually spread by fleas- not rats as is commonly believed. So rats do … Read more
Courtney Lindt
Courtney Lindt voted up Anonymous' answer
This is a common worry for many people and the good news is that pet rats are actually quite clean animals. While wild rats do carry diseases, this is mainly because they hang around in sewers and they pick up mites and fleas along the way. Pet rats on the other hand are born and … Read more
Courtney Lindt
Courtney Lindt voted up Gillian Smith's answer
Rats make excellent companions. They are wonderful animals and highly intelligent. If a rat is kept in clean conditions and has adequate housing and is well looked after you will have no problems. It is an old wives tale that rats are dirty animals. Very few animals are dirty by nature and it's up to … Read more