Cartoon Heart
Cartoon Heart answered lisa max's question

I had and I'm still having dreams about someone from the past who I truly think if he was in my present he will make a big difference in my life. I love having dreams where I can see him and talk to him. I think I truly want him to be back in my … Read more

Cartoon Heart
Cartoon Heart answered

It can be the case of a strict authoritarian parent that keeps beating you so hard, fighting or insulting you the whole time but no matter what he does, you keep loving him because you know he is like that and he will never change. Or a woman whose husband keeps screaming at her and … Read more

Cartoon Heart
Cartoon Heart answered

Thinking about someone doesn't mean for sure that you're in love with person. Maybe you can admire him, see him as someone successful someone who is the person that you can't be and  that you've always tried to be. This sort of admiration, I have for popular,confident and outgoing people.  Love is far more than … Read more