My name is Martha Aldridge. I live in the Kansas City, Missouri area. I am a Christian and a Southern Baptist. I have 2 kids Elizabeth 16, and Jonathan, 12. We have the sweetest kitty, Sassy. My husband, a pastor of a small church, died in 2007. He was 37 1/2 yrs. old and we had not even been married quite 17 yrs. It has been the most difficult experience of my life. The pain and loss of losing a young husband is more than I thought I could ever bear. Without my Jesus and my family and a wonderful Christian counselor- I would NOT ever had made it. I still am in weekly counseling. I am a conservative, born again Christian and a member of an awesome Southern Baptist church (FBC Raytown Mo). I am PRO LIFE, PRO FAMILY and PRO TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE, the kind that God Himself ordains. I am passionate about my faith in God,and will not back down or apologize for it. My fave Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."
Christianity is NOT a religion. It is a relationship with our Creator GOD HIMSELF. He made that possible by sending His only Son Jesus. He loves you so much that He died for you. No other world religion can say that about their leader or 'god'. Why don't you check Him out for yourself?
Jesus is the ONLY WAY to heaven and to God. (John 14:6) There is NO other way to get to heaven. Not by Buddha, Allah, Joseph Smith and definitely not by any thing you could do. It was already done by Jesus. Your sins are forgiven if you just ask Jesus to do it. But you have to admit to Him that you are a sinner, and you need His forgiveness. Then ask him to come into your heart and life and be your Saviour and Lord. If you mean it, He will do it! And your eternal destiny is secure. You see if you choose Jesus, you choose eternity in Heaven with Him. But if you reject Him, you are choosing eternity is hell, apart from Him, apart from all that is good and holy. Hell is a place of eternal grief and pain, loneliness and darkness. There is no joy, no love or compassion. No one to tallk to you in kindness. It is NOT a place of parties and fun regardless of what you think. It is punishment and it lasts forever. No way out. But you can avoid it by choosing Jesus Christ as your Saviour. He loves you and does NOT want you to spend eternity apart from Him in hell. So give Jesus Christ a chance- you will not regret it.