The Plimsoll line is named after Samuel Plimsoll, a member of the British Parliament, whose crusade against ship overloading, resulted in Parliament passing the Unseaworthy Ships Bill into law in 1876. The law required that all commercial vessels bear a load line. This loadRead more
No one knows the exact year. Most likely, skateboarding was born sometime in the late 1940s or early 1950s when surfers in California, wanted something to surf when the waves were flat. No one knows who made the first board. It appears that several people came up with similar ideas at around the same time.
answered question
The hourglass is said to have been invented in Alexandria, Egypt, about the middle of the third century, where they were sometimes carried around just as people carry watches today. Nobody knows exactly who was the inventor.
The metric system was created and formalized in 1793 in Napoleonic France. However, who invented it is a tougher question. The idea of a metric system has been attributed to John Wilkins, first secretary of the Royal Society of London in 1668. Several others proposed similar decimalizedRead more