Stella Dalley
Stella Dalley thanked Corey The Goofyhawk's answer

Actually, in Revenge of The Sith, Obi-Wan took Luke to Tatooine to watch over him and keep him safe from Darth Vader, not necessarily to train him. With this in mind, it is reasonable to think that Ben Kenobi knew that Luke was in trouble with the Tuskan Raiders, either by watching him or through … Read more

Stella Dalley
Stella Dalley answered Anonymous' question

The term Byzantium was invented by historians in the XIXth century to distinguish it from the Western Roman Empire. The people proudly called themselves Romans. Byzantium's influence is mainly in Law - the Code of Justinian - Corpus Juris Civilis , created in the 6th century is still in place in some modern-day countries. They … Read more