EWTQt EWTQrt thanked Theodore Putnam's answer

I am a guy, so if you were to talk to me, here is how you should approach me. Walk up to me, and say, hey, we should hang out sometime, you know, just as friends. (starting as friends will work better than going from nothing to a relationship) If you were too shy to … Read more

EWTQt EWTQrt thanked Matt Radiance's answer

I have a close connection with running. I stopped for a while due reasons and came back to it. Now doing lots of running on foot and also treadmill as well. Running is actually a very sensitive matter. Whether you are a runner or doing any kind of sport related to heavy usage of foot. … Read more

EWTQt EWTQrt answered Casey Wright's question

WHAT!! I'm tomboy to and am turning 15 in march. Everyone judges me for who I am and I wish so much that I could be treated that way. Then again it depends on how much of a boy ur being treated as. I like to be treated that way for sports and guys interest … Read more