honkimnyy xyykika
honkimnyy xyykika voted up Ancient One's answer

It's kinda hard to say. It all depends on your style and the type of shirt you are looking for. For example, I use old sweat shirts and "T" shirts for painting and dirty jobs around the house. I don't buy new for those activities.  If I want a nice "T" shirt for a reasonable … Read more

honkimnyy xyykika
honkimnyy xyykika voted up Anonymous' answer

I agree. He has already proven how far back he would set this country with these violent situations at his rallies. The man would indeed start numerous wars. He's a racist, a sexist, and a vile man(I use the term loosely). I'm terrified my choices will be him vs. Hillary or Bernie. What scares me … Read more