You are making a step in the right direction, and will change the rest of your life and change the way you look at food - and what manufacturers try and pass off as food. Good for you.
I like the Practical Paleo book. You can also go to Civilized Caveman and look at all … Read more
There are different body types so that totally depends on that. If you feel like you should lose weight or want to be leaner, then look into how to decrease your body fat percentage. I suggest not eating wheat - bread, pasta, cereal etc. That's always a good place to start and never go back.
Most shocking celebrity deaths you say? How about these as prime contenders for famous people that kicked the bucket and left the world speechless:
Chris Benoit: May 21, 1967 - June 24, 2007
The Canadian pro-wrestler makes this list not because he was that much of an A-lister, but more because … Read more

G'day Healthnat,
Thank you for your question.
Michael Jackson would be my tip.
MICHAEL JACKSON, DEFINITELY! Billy Jean, Billy Jean, Billy Jean...
Michael jackson!!
There were several and they were a real loss to the entertainment community. I would think since you used the word shocking that Michael Jackson would be at the top of the list. Others were somewhat expected due to illness or longevity.
The most shocking one to me was Brittney Murphy.
David Carradine was pretty shocking.
Heath ledger , mike
Michael jackson definately
Sorry you have such a hard time with this, but you need to get help so you can kick this stuff. Don't worry about the test, worry about getting into a recovery facility or organization before it destroys the rest of your life.
You have been on it for much longer than a week so … Read more
No. Breasts are mostly fat and you cannot massage body parts to make more fat magically appear in that area. The trick is to learn how to be happy with yourself the way you are.
I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you mean.
Do you mean that people only think their religion is the right one?
I wonder why? Let's see here, here's a girl that doesn't like herself very much as she thinks she's ugly and fat, and if she doesn't like herself, how can she expect someone else to? You have to love yourself first before anyone else ever will and guess what, the freckles are probably here to … Read more
You will definitely have withdrawals but you can get through them. Don't make excuses for having a drag or just one more.
You can also make the argument that water is not food :)
I suggest going to see a specialist. I would think a pediatric internist would be the one, but I would check. Definitely get another opinion. I feel bad for her and hope she feels better soon. Good luck Mom.
The question is NOT about plastic surgery it was for COSMETIC SURGERY and I answered the question accordingly. This must be your first time on Blurtit - welcome. People often ask silly questions and some of them make no sense and some are written by materialistic people that want bigger breasts, smaller breasts, bigger hips, … Read more
Raw meat is what they are meant to eat. Cooking it is also ok, but the dog food you buy in the store has all kinds of junk in it and is causing tons of health problems in dogs.
Some breeds even have more trouble than others.