Bunny Rabbit Slave
Bunny Rabbit Slave answered
I have given my rabbit Imodium (Loperamide) when she had GI stasis, under the advice of my veterinarian. We knew what we were treating her for. You should first find out why your puppy has diarrhea and get him the proper treatment. In any case, you would need a veterinarian to tell you the correct … Read more
Bunny Rabbit Slave
Bunny Rabbit Slave answered
Most vets and rabbit experts warn against feeding garlic to rabbits because it belongs to the onion family. Onions are known to cause sever anaphylactic reactions and hemolytic anemia in many animals.  Many gardeners use garlic sprays or powder to deter rabbits and deers from invading their flower beds and gardens.  Many commercial rabbit repellents … Read more
Bunny Rabbit Slave
Bunny Rabbit Slave answered question
Don't call a pharmacist as suggested below. Call a veterinarian. But the answer to your question is -- No, you should not give your cat a pain pill. If your cat needs a pain killer, it should be prescribed by a veterinarian.