Loretta Krzastek
Loretta Krzastek answered
I wouldn't worry about it because it is your mind that matters, not your body. Girls worry about boys and who is popular with the boys and why they are popular. But eventually, you figure out that it just doesn't matter because when you grow up, you see that some of those very same boys … Read more
Loretta Krzastek
Loretta Krzastek answered question
One of the main solutions is to break free of our use of fossil fuels to generate power and run our automobiles to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses that are the main cause of global warming. If we switch to clean renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, geothermal, it would reverse the warming … Read more
Loretta Krzastek
Loretta Krzastek answered
The world is already suffering severe droughts. The southwestern U.S. Has been in drought conditions since 2003 and the water level in Lake Meade - which is the reservoir that supplies water to Las Vegas and other areas of the southwest - has been reduced by one-third in the past decade. I was there about … Read more