balakrishnan answered
Both the balls will strike the ground at same speed. This answer  was not obvious immediately. When you stand on the cliff both balls have some potential energy.with that potential energy you are adding some kinetic energy. Consider the first ball which was thrown in upward direction.with the initial potential energy of the ball you are … Read more
balakrishnan answered
Four 5 ohm resistance can be connected in 10 different way as shown below.was there any way we can generalize this concept and find a formula to calculate the number of possible ways of connecting resistors if the number of resistors was given. (5||5)+(5||5)=5 ohms (5||5||5)+5=6.666 ohms 5+5+5+5 = 20 ohms 5||5||5||5 = 1.25 ohms … Read more
balakrishnan answered
Like positive and negative charges attracts each other , any two atoms can attract each other even when they are electrically neutral.But the force with which they attract each other was extremely small when compared to force between two charges.(in the order of one millionth of the force of attraction between charges) .   so … Read more