I really don't see any disadvantages... Well you need good ram, having crappy ram is a disadvantage:       goodram: Minimum 2GB RAM    greatRAM: 3GB+ RAM    BAD RAM: 512 MB   (note the MB, 512MB is half of 1GB)  
RAM  stands for random access memory.  pretty makes it so when you ask your computer to do something, it takes the ram to be able to do whats asked  there are many forms of ram and different sizes  (example,  512mb, 1gb, 2gb, 3gb, 4gb, 6gb, 8gb)  the more the faster.
You eitherdownload a password hacker    click on "forgot my password" and answer the secret question or enter the email    get a html passkey bypasser   all this can be found just by google searching it. Try to avoid "torrents" if you don't know what they are.
1. To keep a stable economy 2. To keep bad people off the street (to keep the police academy going) 3. To have a representative (President/Priminister), to speak for our country and keep our country from being attacked 4. To make improvement on areas that need it most 5. To keep the country happy!