answered question
Surprise her. Be more passionate about everything you do. Passion is contagious. Be spontaneous rather than planned and analysing everything and show more enthusiasm. Watch an italian movie if necessary they are passionate about life, love, music and food. Even the way they speak denotes passion and fire. Sexually, try some different fantasies, have a … Read more
Extend the orgasm time little by little. When you know he is not far off coming, get off him and lick and fondle him, give him more foreplay, tease and then continue to have intercourse again. Little by little, the time hopefully will be extended because if it is not a physical thing it can … Read more
answered question
Your birthplace, your heritage, your upbringing, your appearance but most importantly your belief system, lack thereof or open mindedness. If we cast aside our prejudice we can change who we are and we can also learn to project ourselves and appear to have a different or more outgoing personality. Confidence is also another factor. Are … Read more
Christianity doesnt mean anything anymore. But what it originally stood for was having life and sharing light with the world and kindness and understanding that the materialistic view of the world is temporary and one day there will be an eternal world. Its all about life.   now christianity mostly is just a bunch of … Read more
answered question
Men will look at other women. Its biologically inbuilt in them to react that way. As long as he is not flirting or sending them signals or commenting, ignore it or dress up sexy so men will look at you and see if he likes it. Don't worry about it too much unless its obvious … Read more
It's a power play and most sexual fantasies are about power. It's normal in a male to want to dominate and by being an Innocent schoolgirl (pretending) he feels he has dominated you. Also a virgin fantasy maybe that he wants again to feel like the only one, all-powerful, dominating male with a submissive female. … Read more