naheed khan
naheed khan answered
'Pepper Water' was the nearest thing to soup in the cuisine of India, and indeed the word mulligatawny comes from the Tamil words molegoo (pepper) and tunes (water). It was originally a vegetarian 'sauce', but the British added meat and various other ingredients to create a variety of mulligatawnies which were popular in India and … Read more
naheed khan
naheed khan answered
A sea-breeze (or onshore breeze) is a wind from the sea that develops over land near coasts. It is formed by increasing temperature differences between the land and water which create a pressure minimum over the land due to its relative warmth and forces higher pressure, cooler air from the sea to move inland. The … Read more
naheed khan
naheed khan answered question
Peacocks are very beautiful birds.They have colourful feathers which make them more beautiful.Peacocks need 30 - 32 percent protein- dried cat food does them quite well! They love white foods: bread, cheese, rice, and even styrofoam pellets (very bad for the digestion). They also enjoy greens and fruits. From flowers, they are looking for insects. … Read more
naheed khan
naheed khan answered
Primary functions of money. 1:Money as a medium of exchange:In all market transactions,money is used to pay for goods and services.The sale and purchase of goods done through money. 2:Money as unit of account:It provides a unit of account the monetary unit of account is used to measure the value of goods and services in … Read more
naheed khan
naheed khan answered
The money and assets which can be easily and quickly transferred into money without loss in value are called near money.Near money cannot be directly used or making payments.There are first to converted into proper money as and when needed for spending.Near money or non monetary liquid assets chiefly consist of time deposit,treasury bills,government securities,saving … Read more
naheed khan
naheed khan answered
Money is one of the wonderful invention of man.Money is defined as "anything that is generally accecptable as a mean of exchange and that at the same time acts as a measure and store of value".Value of money is meant its purchasing power and its capacity to command goods in exchange for itself. The value … Read more
naheed khan
naheed khan answered
Inflation is the process in which there is continous increase in the general price level and the money is continusly losing its value.Inflation is defined as"a persistent and appreciable rise in general level or average of prices".Inflation is also a continued upward movement in the general level of prices. Deflation is just the opposite of … Read more