Nice Guy
Nice Guy answered Anonymous' question
If you mean John Tyler, the 10th president of the USA, he was looking for a solid platform issue by which to forge a new political party (the Democratic Republicans, who eventually became the Republican party of Abraham Lincoln). As it happened, he was the first vice president to ascend to the presidency, a process … Read more
Nice Guy
Nice Guy answered
Others have well-answered this one statistically. A most critical dimension for the passengers was the 75 ft (21m) from the deck to the water, about the height of a 6 story (storey) building. When the call first came to load the lifeboats, women and children first, the sheer height from the davits and the yet-unpracticed … Read more
Nice Guy
Nice Guy answered mia's question
In the context of today's complex society 13 is too young to hold full-time employment and support yourself. In fact, it is still 1 to 3 years too young to hold a formal wage-paying job in most jurisdictions. However, it is generally a qualifying age at which your parents or guardians can leave you alone … Read more