
Why do all girls want to be the same? They just care about love, sex and make-up


4 Answers

Curiously Curious Profile

We're not ALL the same. But you do get those that follow others. Me for example I don't even wear make up unless its a really special occasion. Real special.  I've found love so my worries are my family finances and what I'm going to cook for dinner!

Lilly Gray Profile
Lilly Gray answered

That's a pretty generalized view, but I get what you mean. Some girls are extremely self-conscious, extremely uncomfortable inside themselves. And most people don't know how to get out of that, so they turn to make-up to powder and hide their insecurities etc. They need help more than anything else. And sometimes, they think that if they're liked more by others, they are a better person and their insecurities will go away. Sorely mistaken, I'm afraid.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

You must not be talking about women..... Women care about their careers, their children, their husbands. We do so much caring for those we love we usually have no time to care about make up and usually have to squeeze some sex in our busy schedules..... Maybe you need to leave girls alone and look for a real woman!

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