Jade Rankin
Jade Rankin answered Moooaoa Jiaou's question

People develop irritability towards their peers or friends, most likely because they wish they knew how to do the thing that they are showing off. They often think about it and wish that they got that much positive feedback and attention. Some people then go further and try to do the same thing their friend … Read more

Jade Rankin
Jade Rankin answered

Snow forms when tiny ice crystals in clouds stick together to become snowflakes. If enough crystals stick together, they'll become heavy enough to fall to the ground. Snow is formed when temperatures are low and there is moisture in the atmosphere in the form of tiny ice crystals.

Jade Rankin
Jade Rankin answered

1. Start off like this. 1/2 + 3/8

2. Find the common denominator. If you have trouble with this, List multiples of 2 and 8 and find the 2 that are same. You want the lowest number.

3. 1/2's denominator is 8. 3/8's denominator stays the same.

4. Multiply 1/2's numerator by 4. You get 4/8 instead of … Read more

Jade Rankin
Jade Rankin answered

1. I have no idea how to do this sooo....

1. Take the equation. 4x +3 = 2x +11.

2. Know what the question is asking you. (Im just taking a random guess) 4x is 16. 2x is 4!

3. The question is now 16 + 3 = 4 + 11.

4. 16 + 3 is 19 and 4 … Read more