Lucythe Tooth

Do you keep your paper money neatly folded and organized or is it just crumpled in your pocket?


9 Answers

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Mrs Didge doesn't let me have any paper money of my own, but back in my single days I used to keep it in a wallet. Keeping it loose is asking to lose it.

But my trusty credit card never leaves home without me. :)

crow robot Profile
crow robot answered

I keep big bills in my wallet. But. Once a twenty. Is broken it is on its own in my pocket

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

I keep my bills neatly folded and in order, with the larger bills in the center. Always in my pants pocket, never in my wallet.

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Xelius Lame
Xelius Lame commented
Same, except. I don't carry wallet.
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
I keep my drivers license, credit cards, etc in my wallet, so I have to carry one.
Xelius Lame
Xelius Lame commented
I do to, it's just a duck tape wallet that fits in my much safer front pocket. Asuming that you put you wallet in you back pocket.
PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I keep it folded, in order, facing the same direction. I know it makes me sound a bit OCD, but it is just a habit I got into while running cash registers, which I have been doing that since I was 16. (That was a very long time ago.) I can look in a cash draw a pick out a problem at a glance.

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Lucythe Tooth
Lucythe Tooth commented
I'm the same way. Drives my teenager crazy when I flip and straighten her cash. LOL
Xelius Lame
Xelius Lame commented
It's funny, I do the same thing but in my front pocket so it always gets messed up. Front pocket is much safe that wallet in back pocket.
Xelius Lame
Xelius Lame commented
Much safer...
Xelius Lame Profile
Xelius Lame answered

Credit card = hacked, broke. Cash (if you don't wave it around and ask to be murdered) = safe    

And android/apple pay are SO SO SO easy to hack. I did it on my own experiment as I would never take someone else's money (i know how it feels when you almost broke and you money gets stolen) police dont give an rats patooty.

Cal Sullivan Profile
Cal Sullivan answered

I have a wallet so it's neatly folded and organized. I don't normally carry paper money however. I almost exclusively use my debit card.

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