Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn answered Patricia Valencia's question

I'm in Northern California and the weather looked like it was going to cool down and did for about a week or so and then shot back up again. I've heard that you have gotten some rain down South but all we have had was about ten minutes of light rain. Everything is about dead … Read more

Mountain  Man
Mountain Man answered Anonymous' question

Probably the most used slang from my region is   "Youns" . The ou has the oo sound of wood. It means the same as you guys or you all. I've heard and used it all of my life and still hear it from the younger generation. I've had tons of people ask me about … Read more

Didge Doo
Didge Doo answered Anonymous' question
Well, thank you so much for that slur on my native tongue. A very big Harrumph!  to you. I'd better enlighten you so we can stay friends.

-- "To shoot through like a Bondi tram" is to absquatulate at a rate of knots.
-- "Buckley's chance" is no chance at all. Buckley was the name of a … Read more
Yo Kass
Yo Kass answered

As I understand it, the Philippines emerged as a result of millions of years of seismic activity and volcanic eruptions that occurred deep below the sea.

Here's a basic video which explains how volcanic islands emerge from the sea:

Due to their location in the pacific "ring of fire", the Philippine islands … Read more

DDX Project
DDX Project answered James Chapman's question

Why do you have a picture of Michael Clinard?

I personally enjoy Bangkok, Thailand the most. Not a bad place to live out old age.  Puttaya for crazy nights out.

Vietnam is also a good option. My favorite city of them all has to be Hoi An. Saigon, Da Nang, and Hue are also must visits. A … Read more

Didge Doo
Didge Doo answered

The world isn't flat, it's all up hill. Ask any cyclist. (And, oh yeah, every wind is a headwind.)


Back in the 1980s a Flat Earther set up a stall in Sydney's Queen's Square. He had the deeds to two land allotments pinned to it and offered to give them, freely, to anybody who could convince … Read more

Taylor Brookes
Taylor Brookes answered Anonymous' question

Well I have heard of underground waterfalls, but never underwater ones. I've seen pictures of underwater rivers so I guess it must be possible.

I just looked up the underwater rivers and I think Vicky is right. Here's what I found:

''While underwater water doesn't seem possible, the "river" is actually a briny mix of saltRead more

ZombieE Lee
ZombieE Lee answered leanne bigeyes' question

I love Portugal. I'm interested in Portuguese history. I'm aware of Portugal's Gothic/Germanic history and of the Moors/Arabs that ran the Goths out of Portugal. I would love one day to travel to Portugal and drink their wine while eating their fish. I've been told that Lisbon has an awesome nightlife.

Yo Kass
Yo Kass answered leanne bigeyes' question

I've heard good things about Portugal from friends that have visited it on holiday... Good weather, tasty food, good wine and port of course.

I also know that Portugal is the home nation of (in my opinion) one of the best soccer players of all time, Cristiano Ronaldo.

Also, one of the most successful soccer coaches of … Read more

Yo Kass
Yo Kass answered nathaniel moir's question

It was 7,320,742,156 last time I checked.

There's a counter at, although you have to question how accurate it actually is. An interesting idea though!

What's also interesting is contemplating how we will handle an ever growing population on this planet.

Since the Industrial Revolution, we've experienced something of a boom!

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J-- C--
J-- C-- answered

Well, to be honest, much of that will depend on the type of desert.

In the American Southwest, people stay indoors much of the day, try and conserve water, etc.

In a desert like, Iraq, for example; where there isn't much growing at all, history has shown us that people there become rather feral and consider theft … Read more