Megan goodgirl

When you think of all you have does it make you feel better now wanting more?


9 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

No, I have more material items than  I need, I'm pairing down to become more of  a " Minimalist" than I am now. I feel better with less items to dust, clean and care for. Finally, as older I get I realized I need about 1O% of what I have :)

Ray  Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

As a 30 year "consumer", once I had the money, every time I wanted something, I just went out and bought it.

I have a house overflowing with stuff I don't need and no longer want.

In the next life, I will do it better.......

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

Nah. I've always saved stuff, never knowing when I'll need it. Now, I'm giving a ton of stuff away to unclutter my life.

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View all 8 Comments
Donald Trump's Hair Is Lovely
Damn him. Not prepared to go to the cops yet, even with your home security video proof? Do you really need him to mow your lawn, blow your snow, that badly?!
Donald Trump's Hair Is Lovely
Damn him. Not prepared to go to the cops yet, even with your home security video proof? Do you really need him to mow your lawn, blow your snow, that badly?!
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
It's not that easy. You see, Fred is in my mind, he's my other personality. I was abducted by space aliens many years ago and he's the result of a brain implant that was performed on the ship. He just won't go away.
Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Happiness and contentment are synonymous, want and contentment are not. How then can one be happy while still wanting more?

People who think happiness is found in more "stuff" will never find enough of either. 

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Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
An interesting anecdote and then a comment.

When I learned the meaning of "percolate," it was as a 10 year old listening my aunt reference "the percolator" to my mother.

I assumed that the verb referred to the active action of the water as it boiled and bubbled in the see through top.

In a similar manner, soak meant to relax in a tub of hot water.

A few years ago, I learned that depending on the use of the words as transitive or intransitive verbs, "percolate" can mean "to soak."

So, applying my life experience, I now post the following observation made by Dr. Andrew Weil:

"Contentment is an inner feeling of satisfaction that’s really not dependent on external factors.

I think it is not realistic to be happy all the time, we’re supposed to be sad or blue some of the time. You’re not supposed to get stuck there, but I think that’s part of the human experience."

But absolutely nothing wrong with your take on the subject.

Call me Z
Call me Z commented
Indeed. I would posit that contentment is a degree of happiness, therefore synonymous. Want is the lack of contentment. I stretched it a little. It is a wonderful language we have.

Of course, it isn't realistic to be happy all the time (referencing an earlier question) but then the occasional darkness can make us more appreciate the light...but, as Abe Lincoln once observed: "A person will be just about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
I thought it useful to head down that road.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
@The Z

Yes, all such perspectives are valuable in answering a question like this.
Zack -  Mr. GenXer Profile

It's funny. The content people are rich and wealthy. As for the rest of us, we'll never really be satisfied for what we have. In this case, what we have isn't much.

Michael Poland Profile
Michael Poland answered

Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

No .. I've never been one that felt the need to aquire a lot of  'things' .. I much prefer quality as opposed to quantity .. Especially when it comes to my relationships with friends and family.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

When I think of all I have, I think of all I need to go through and get rid of stuff. I am grateful to have all I need. I grew up knowing I wasn't going to starve, but we did have to get creative sometimes.

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