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I never tire of this 'cause you guys and gals are so d-a-r-n talented... Cacoepy is your word of the day ...use it in a sentence (?)


4 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Oh I cacoepy all of the time! It's usually cuz I have a million things going on in my mind at once. Lol!

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

I studied Latin many years ago.  I took a vocabulary test on a whim on the internet about 2 years and it estimated my vocabulary at 40 thousand words---which I knew was way too high. (By about 12,000.) But my knowledge of Latin roots made me a lucky guesser at the correct definitions.  This word made me thing of cacophony, which is related to "sound."  Turns out I was in the ballpark, but only in the cheap seats.

So now, after a long explanation to justify my sentence, I now formally submit it:

"I have learned 2 new words today--- cacoepy and orthoepy."

carlos Striker Profile
carlos Striker answered

Ya havin a field day with your cacoepy in school.

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